April 16 Email Delivery Issue Update

May 11, 2020

Lcom.net users,
We are aware and very disappointed that Gmail continues rejecting email from Lcom.net email servers. We have filed a complaint with the Iowa Attorney General’s Office asking for assistance in finding a Google employee with Gmail system administration access to resolve their blocking of Lcom.net mail.


We have followed all Google guidelines to have the block lifted. Google instructions state that the restoration process is automatic and that the block will be lifted at some point in the future, although no timeline is ever given. Gmail relies largely on artificial intelligence and Google offers no contacts for employees to resolve problems.


When the problem originally arose, Lcom.net responded promptly by notifying affected customers and correcting account problems. We also followed requirements with other large ISP’s to be removed from their block lists. Further, we made changes controlling the amount of email messages email accounts are able to send. Currently our email servers are not listed in any public block lists and almost all email services are working normally, outside of Gmail or sites hosted by Gmail.

With recent tensions surrounding Novel Corona Virus, there is over a 600% increase in scam “phishing” email attempts worldwide. The scam attempts are very convincing. Please use the following guidelines if you receive an email requesting Lcom.net account information.

  • Liberty Communications will not ask users for account information via email.
  • Liberty Communications will call customers from our published phone number if urgent account actions are required.
  • Liberty Communications technical support may ask users for account information in order to facilitate troubleshooting. This is will happen as part of a support session when you have called technical support for help.
  • Please immediately forward any malicious email to abuse@lcom.net.

We thank you for your continued cooperations and patience.

Liberty Communications